Coroplast Spit fire

by Paulobrasil | September 22, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun


sailorJohn on September 27, 2013
Nice job, chloroplast was popular as a experimental material in the club I was in at that time, now many of the old timers think the foam board planes are still made of chloroplast
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LordVader on September 27, 2013
Looks awesome. What is coroplast and where did you get it? I would like to try some on for size. Love the color too!
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Warbirds9 on September 27, 2013
chloroplast is the same material people use for signs such as For Sale signs. it is usually a white plastic sheet about 6mm thick (although this one is 3mm) and you can buy the signs at some dollar stores or a Home Depot. (If you live in Canada they sell them at Home Hardware for a great price). Happy building!
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Paulobrasil on September 28, 2013
I bot it at sing store, here in Brazil it is used in a vary amount of things we have many colors an thickness. This one is 3mm. I will make on P51 on 2,5mm . you have to re-size the holes on the plans to fit the proper thickness of the material you are using or fil the gaps.
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adergotardo on September 30, 2013
Conheço esse campo. Também montei um Spitfire, mas o meu fiz com depron mesmo.
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Paulobrasil on September 30, 2013
Bacana. Nice
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Coroplast Spit fire