Boxquad with detachable arms

by havanissa | April 24, 2013 | (7) Posted in Projects

I've always been fascinated by those commercial multirotors with detachable arms, it's easy to pack, transport, unpack, and then fly. A little bit of googling showed me a forum thread on rcgroups where people were discussing using XLR plugs, but nobody had done anything about it.

It all started in the supermarket, where I saw some tupperware-ish containers on sale and all I could see was a awesome quadcopter frame with XLR arms. I got it and went looking for some XLR connectors and I decided to get Neutrik 5pin XLR plugs, instead of the regular 3pin XLR, I wanted to have a option for navigation lights on the arms.

The 16awg wired fitted almost perfectly on the connector, so I glued connector to the aluminum arm with lots of epoxy and put some heat-shrink over it. Unfortunately, I didn't document anything until all four arms were done, it was too exciting.The epoxy holds the arms well together, but it will break on crash.

It has not flown yet, the weather has been horrible the last couple of days, but I did managed to do some bench test and it looks very promising. This boxcopter won't win any beauty contest, it's only a proof of concept, and if it works as expected, a better version will be constructed.

Just a final note
The XLR plugs were a little “jiggly”, I corrected that by putting some isolation tape on the connector. The box is very flexible, but when the lid is on, the box is solid as a brick

Here’s the parts i used:

NTM 2826 1200kv motors
HK power distro board
HK blue 30A ESC
aluminum tube and fiberglass motor mount from a old chinese quad frame
0,9L Plastic container
Neutrik NC5FD-LX-B (Not sure if the part number is correct, threw the bags away)
Neutrik NC5MXX-B
FrSky V8FR radio
Naza FC
J10 jelly adhesive for the FC

Please bear with me, this is my second attempt at my first article(accidentally closed the tab) and english is not my native language

I'm going to the flying field tomorrow and I'll put up a video.

Here are a couple of photos from the build.



Very short flight, something went wrong and it got a pretty hard landing, but the arms survived. 

Flying weight: 1650gr including a 420gr battery


windfou on April 24, 2013
great idea
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enivid on April 26, 2013
You and Wells are taking the box copters up to the next level. Love the use of those connectors for the arms!
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saitek93 on April 24, 2013
Wow that's awesome! I completely understand about not thinking to take pictures until its finished. I get too into it as well.
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kenton on April 25, 2013
Love the idea, looking forward to a video to see how it works out.
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Russ40 on April 24, 2013
That is very cool. Looking forward to the video.
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Jake Wells on April 25, 2013
AWESOME!!!!!! Good job.
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TheBeroys on April 25, 2013
Very good idea, looking forward to the flight video. What is the flying weight?
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havanissa on April 26, 2013
The total flying weight is 1650 grams with a 5000mAh 3cell battery
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Nmackey on October 9, 2013
I am an audio engineer and have tons of neutrik XLR panel connectors. I may even have some 5 pin. Love this idea. I bought my first qaud which happens to be one of the ones flitetest had for sale at the flitest open house and dont want to wreck it so ill probably go with this as a first build.
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Boxquad with detachable arms