Bird herding

by Zatoichi | January 30, 2013 | (8) Posted in Just Fun

 Herding birds with my plane via F.P.V..


Russ40 on January 30, 2013
Cool video. Looks like great fun.
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Zatoichi on January 31, 2013
Indeed it was.Thank you.
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Adib Vahedi on January 31, 2013
LOL That was hilarious just scaring all the birds really bad!!!!!!

keep up the great flying!!!!!!!! :)
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Zatoichi on January 31, 2013
I would not say scared,more like lightly irritated. Couldn't have caught em if i triedLoads of fun to fly with tho.=0)
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lonewolf7717 on February 1, 2013
Sir I do believe despite your better than average were simply "out-flown". You did far better than my best attempts, everytime I go bird chasing I just end up dizzy and lost. BTW nicccccce time lapse intro....gopro? If so what was your photo interval set at?
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Zatoichi on February 2, 2013
It does not take a lot to out-fly the Zat!
Thanks lonewolf.
F.P.V. positive use #61?? Mebby?
Thank you sir,for the compliment.
GoPro Hero 1 720 p @ 60fps.
I just recorded as above and sped it up in ProTunes.(fo Free!)Mebby 75%?? I do not remember man.I am liking protunes for this only as any other adjustments u do swell the file size.

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casehatter on January 30, 2013
Birds 1 Zat 0 oh heck who's keepen score I bet Mr.Alfred Hitchcock would be proud. LOL fancy flyen there dude. !!
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Zatoichi on January 31, 2013
Felt like swimmin through a school of fishes.Fun city!
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Benn Gunn on January 31, 2013
Great footage .... your quite right, even what looks like a slow flying bird turns hellish quick .... nice flying....
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Zatoichi on February 2, 2013
Thank you Benn. =) Glad you liked it.
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Bird herding