Android Phone repurposed

by PaladinDG | January 23, 2014 | (10) Posted in Projects

This is my 1st article... I really enjoy the articles everyone posts.

I have been away from RC for about 5 years, but started up again a few months ago.. WOW things have changed... so glad I hung onto my stuff!!!  Since getting going again I have gotten into multi-rotors. My son and I started with a couple cheap ($36) Syma X1, then we got the Nano QXs, then a buddy sold me a Hex 550 that he purchased but never got it off the ground. Right now I am building a tri-copter based upon David's ver 2.5 build..

Anyways, this is kind of goofy, but I thought I would share with everyone what I did with my old Android phone that I had laying around. I am sure all you experienced multi-rotor guys have a better way of doing this, but this worked for me.

I setup a bluetooth adapter to my Witespy MultiWii flight controller on my hex 550. Then setup the android MultiWii EZ-Gui App on this old phone I had laying around. I had to root the phone 1st so it could be used like a tablet.

I thought it would be cool to have a mount, which I ordered off of ebay, but I couldnt wait for it to get here, so I started thinking... I wonder if I could build something with hot glue, popcicle sticks and some zip ties???

Here is what I came up with.... The case is hot glued on to the stand and can be taken out of the case for charging/access

Here is the back... it doesn't let the stand fold back because of the antenna, but it works and is much stronger than I thought it would be....

Whats cool too is that when I am ready to take off I can hit the record button from the GoPro app...

Here is a picture of my hexcopter that everything is connected to...

Some might be wondering about the range... it is not more than 200-300ft, but this works well for pre-flight check and starting the GoPro recording..

I hope you find this interesting....Just wanted to share!


MT Alex on February 5, 2014
Nice. That old DX 7 is the exact spitting image of my old JR XP6102, which makes sense since I'm pretty sure Spectrum branched off from JR. It must be one of the first 2.4 radios. Mine was 72 MHz that I had to convert to 2.4 with a FrSky module. Anyway, nice job and sorry to go off topic.
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msh312b on February 5, 2014
That was a great re-purpose for your old Android phone, I have one lying around also that I think would be great for that also. can you share any details about how you made it all can email me I can wait to get all my FPV stuff and get flying more.
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PaladinDG on February 5, 2014
The smartphone I used is an LG Revolution that I had used with Verizon. It would not let me connect to the google playstore without reconnecting to Verizon. After doing a little research I found that the phone could be rooted which enabled me to download the android app ( With the app installed then it was just a matter of connecting via bluetooth to the flight.. contoller. I used the bluetooth module from Readytoflyquads ( I hope this helps
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msh312b on February 6, 2014
Yes thanks for the extra info, can't wait to try it out. Keep'm Fly'n.
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1morehobby on February 5, 2014
If you are using the wifi on the Gopro it will crash your copter or cause a fly away. This is a known issue.
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PaladinDG on February 5, 2014
I have not heard this before.... I have had a number of close range flights without any issue, but I did some research and you are absolutely right... I guess i have been very lucky. NO more flying with the GoPro WiFi turned on for me!! Thanks so much for letting me know!
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1morehobby on February 5, 2014
You are very welcomed, hate to see that happen to anyone.And nice write up by the way. I uase my cell phone with a OTG cable and the telemetry radio connected to the OTG cable, but no wifi.
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kah00na on February 5, 2014
The reason is because the receiver on the quad is listening at 2.4Ghz and the GoPro is basically screaming 2.4Ghz into it and the receiver then has a hard time making out what your transmitter is saying to it - especially when it gets further away, it has a harder time hearing your transmitter. It is kind of like some one next to you yelling and you are trying to hear some one else across the room while they are walking away. You can hear for a while but eventually all you'll hear is the person next to you yelling.
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PaladinDG on February 5, 2014
I understand why, just never thought about it.... great illustration
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Shufty on February 11, 2014
Great idea, I'm totally going to steal it for my new tricopter! ;)
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Aquanot on February 6, 2014
Hey thks for your nice article. I like the idear of using my phone for telemetry display an configuration connection.
Sadly Bluetooth isn't realy reaching far. But i think i have to try one of these MultiWii boards with BT myself.

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StoneBlueAirlines on February 6, 2014
I gave it five stars just for the Popsicle sticks.
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PaladinDG on February 5, 2014
I have had this Spektrum since they 1st came out... I would love to have a DX8, but it does the job. I also have a Futaba 9CAP with the FrSky module. I guess I would rather spend money on planes & copters than a transmitter when I already have 2 that are working just fine!.
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MT Alex on February 5, 2014
I agree. The 6102 is still the only TX I have. I pine for a new fancy one, but that's a lot of money that could be spent crashing.
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Android Phone repurposed