Tri-quadcopter w/ tilting edfs

by Quad007 | December 14, 2012 | (3) Posted in Projects

This is a design I came up with. for a quad copter in a tri copter configuration using edf's. I just had the body 3d printed at school and need to be sure of what I need before I order the parts the edf is the AEO 30mm 10200KV. Any suggestions for a flight controller would be greatly appreciated.


ipetepete on December 15, 2012
Don't EDFs need a lot of air moving through them to generate any kind of decent thrust?
I'm not trying to be a troll here, just an honest observation, I question the effectiveness of using EDFs for this kind of application. On that same note, I'm also really interested to see the prototype tests.
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Quad007 on December 15, 2012
The total thrust is about 800gs while the copter itself weighs just over 400gs. with the batteries I've chosen it should fly for about 6 or 7 minutes.

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Leo82 on December 15, 2012
Edf is really bad with efficiency without speed, but imagine those 4 little screamers in indoor flying event.

That said, maybe going really small and light might just make edf good idea. hard to break props too. Guess we need to wait and see. At least it is a good experiment. I like that thrust vectoring, should open possibilities to move in all directions without tilting the base, maybe future camera platform idea.

How does that thing yaw without moving sideways?

in real world Harrier uses jet engines to vtol... maybe what we see here might just find it's way to super cool vtol rc-plane!
If those edfs would have 2-axis vectoring it might just do superfast forward movement by pointing all edf backwards and using bodyshell as airfoil :)

Maybe T-style frame with airfoil and rotating 1 axis front edf and rear edf = three edf plane with vtol and hovering capability?
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Benn Gunn on December 21, 2012
looks great, would love to see it fly....
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Mizzster D Double-a on December 14, 2012
can i ask what software you are using to design this? :)
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Quad007 on December 14, 2012
This was designed in autodesk inventor professional.

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Mizzster D Double-a on December 15, 2012
it look cool, :D
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nickatredbox on December 15, 2012
I built a hex with 55mm EDF's worked ok, but very poor hover time. Also the HK 55mm EDF is much less powerful than advertised 70W not 170 and 160 grams static thrust not 400+. I have seen a tri with 64mm EDF's that looked good
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Tri-quadcopter w/ tilting edfs