The OSRC Project

by FliteTest | January 9, 2013 | (66) Posted in Projects

It's not a transmitter and it's not a receiver, it's an open source remote control system!

Chad and Josh had a chance to talk to the creator of the OSRC and he shares more details about the project and the backstory of the Open Source Remote Control (OSRC).

The OSRC project was created by Demetris Zavorotnitsienko and his radio control system is comprised of many modules and additions. It can be as simple and affordable as a basic control system or a UAV ground station, based on what setup one chooses to have. 

Among the modules are the FPVC, which can be just additional buttons, FPV Receiver or a complete Linux based embedded device with GSM, GPS, Touch Screen and other additions. Some parts are simple micro controller based, others are 1GHz processor based with Linux functionality.

Futaba, HiTEC, Spektrum and other modules can be used on this Radio Control.  As long as the feed can receive PPM reception you can attach it to this system.

There are much more unique features to this radio control which are described in much greater detail at the OSRC websiteWe encourage you to check out the site and learn more about the progress of the OSRC project!

Demetris' next step to push the OSRC project forward is an indiegogo campaign to raise funds for building a custom SLA 3D printer which will be made available to contributors of the campaign but the project needs contributors to make it a reality!  Check it out HERE and see if it's something you'd want to help with.

A newer version of OSRC is currently being finalized. Demetris is building it through the 3D printer method and it should give lots of advantages in its operation with many materials and colors to choose from as well as shorten delivery times for the final product.

More details are available at the OSRC website and other links below:

OSRC Website


indiegogo Campaign - "SLA 3D Printer"


Imaxinar DM on January 18, 2013
I smell "vaporware"?

I have seen NOTHING except videos of the sticks moving and Talking Heads..... NO real in deapth demonstration, looks into the insides, etc. But I do see what looks to me like one antenna connection being used... flanked by two others with caps on them. Sort of negates his "all on one digital frequency".

Also in Digital land powers of 2 are most logical... so why "40" channels instead of 32 etc.

Add to that.... the "Oh Whoe is Me" I need to get a super accurate 3D printer and want you all to pay for it.

Not in this lifetime Mate.

I would suggest that FliteTest should request a HANDS ON demo of the unit done by them. If they show that it really is as Promoted... Then I'll be impressed...
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Rc Mania Cyprus on January 11, 2013
Awesome so glad Demetris is from cyprus too!
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Cyberdactyl on January 10, 2013
All I can say is whoever introduces a functional, reliable and robust force-feedback will rule the market for a year.
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bmsweb on January 10, 2013
I remember seeing this ages ago! Great to hear he is finally progressing. Loved this episode!!! Would love to see more like this.
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SeanJuan73 on January 10, 2013
I remember this one too, even commented on the old thread. I was pretty confused by the old video because it seemed to have little to do with what the remote was really about. NOW, after seeing the new info, I am getting that "AH HA" feeling and would be really excited to see this actually happen!

OLD THREAD, for those who are interested:
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Brian fred carr on January 10, 2013
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LanMark on January 10, 2013
This is awesome. Can't wait to see it in use and out in the wild... having a nice solution for a pilot + camera operator would be great and this seems to work well in a lot of different configurations.
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TheRCNewbie on January 10, 2013
How much will the basic unit be?
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sky_hawk on January 12, 2013
what the hell lol, i just read that he's going to print the OSRC in a 3D printer. that takes this to a whole new level, he can rapid prototype his designs and mass produce parts with an accuracy of .1mm
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Shaun_Mileson on January 12, 2013
Well done on this project, I remember bumping into this about a year ago and thought how and why but this explanation puts all the pieces into place.
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Benn Gunn on January 10, 2013
man your a clever 'out the box thinking' guy..... i still have to check the manual to adjust my DX6i... well done.
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sky_hawk on January 12, 2013
i was beginning to worry that my design was out growing the control systems available. in short its a fully autonomous tandem wing aircraft with 10,000mAh capacity 4 cell batteries linked in parallel to an all up capacity of 80,000mAh. im going for the rc airplane flight distance record and to out perform military drones at the same time using off the shelf tech
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nickatredbox on January 13, 2013
Very cool I have a very cheap and cheerful version of my own
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nickatredbox on January 13, 2013
Did you notice Demetris looks very much like Josh's Swedish friend?
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Hasersys on January 10, 2013
Keep up the great work flitetest and osrc
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rchacker on January 10, 2013
A couple of silicone additions to those sticks and the missus will love it too.
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rchacker on January 10, 2013
To make it clear, I mean silicone covers so she does not break her nails.
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casehatter on January 10, 2013
I understand some of the it but most is over my head, but it seems that it will do whatever and when ever I need so I'm in. lets go go go .
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ITCyoy543 on January 10, 2013
that thing looks amazing!
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liveyourdreamsRC on January 11, 2013
Awesome but not my style. David made the groundstation thats portable and easy to use so thats what I'm going to build. Also does anyone know if Dave will be selling frames for that? But this is still cool and I would forever use it if I got the chance to!
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sky_hawk on January 12, 2013
40 channels... i just had a mind-gasm lol. wow, i love this technology and it makes sense. digital transition can communicate on multiple levels at the same time because each data package is labeled for a specific function. once the data package is sent to the correct area of the processor, the command is then carried out. and because it's open source, its upgradable, and i don't mean a software update, im talking about updrading the processor speed, transition range, gimble accuracy, everything.
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Mizzster D Double-a on January 11, 2013
i want one :)
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cloud9photos on February 12, 2013
Very interesting! It's like looking into the future of RC.
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SoloFlight on July 9, 2013
Hey the inventor looks like davids younger twin :)
Awesome work sir
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eatkabab on June 10, 2014
I just saw this INCREDIBLE thing and tried to register on the site but it's slow or not working...

I was thinking about force feedback for multicopters. But not like a plane. If you read the corrections the FC is making in flight as vectors, you could send it back to the controls and apply forces to the sticks. This would give a huge range of information such as torque felt by the copter from wind, motors, resistance of rotors acting like much information to your fingers. It should be easy to implement, especially if you're using an integrated FC.

This is such an amazing thing I really hope it goes mainstream. The current setup is a little extreme for the average RCer or FPV guy. Maybe a basic version with a combo receiver/GPS/FC/FPV Tx box for the craft, basic remote controls plus moving sticks and option for built in FPV screen would sell quick and allow more development. A radio, Tx module, receiver, FPV equipment, FC with GPS all costs about $300 on the lowest side of the spectrum. If you could pull off a good performing system in the $400 range I believe it should be widely adopted by newcomers and seasoned pilots. Take advantage of the multicopter wave and just tailor it to that plus some plane abilities. It's an easy winner that HobbyKing would love to sell.

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sfxdana on November 14, 2014
If anybody is interested in this system. After the Ilios indiegogo campaign, to create the hardware to build the OSRC. He now has an indiegogo campaign for the OSRC itself.

390 euro for a dev unit (About 485 dollar inc shipping)
480 euro for a basic unit (About 597 dollar inc shipping)
1250 euro for a advanced unit (About 1550 dollar inc shipping)

See indiegog for more details
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rcamarda390 on July 11, 2016
anyone know of any updates on this project? the website is blocked from my company.
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rcamarda390 on July 11, 2016
After some more digging, it was sold. Facebook page here:
No new updates, so sad
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The OSRC Project