Proximity like a Bird

by Meteor | October 15, 2012 | (15) Posted in Just Fun

Some guys jump out of space for adrenaline, fun and science and I do this . ;)


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chipgt on October 16, 2012
Ha, you could crop dust for your neighbors and have fun at the same time. I actually saw that in South Korea once. They used remote R/C to crop dust.
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Meteor on October 16, 2012
we had that project once but our flouer consumption was too high so we stopped it out of cost reasons :)

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Benn Gunn on October 16, 2012
simply amazing...... great flying
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jamiedco on October 15, 2012
i love the video . how many attempts did it take to get the footage without wiping out .
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Meteor on October 16, 2012
we actually didnt crash a whole lot.
the trick is not to start of to aggressiv.
just keep getting closer and closer so you are always comfortable and have fun. :D
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Proximity like a Bird