Mini Balsa Tricopter

by rchacker | December 10, 2012 | (16) Posted in Projects

A light weight FPV capable platform was the goal here.

Current version weighs in at 220 grams.

Full build log at

This is a photo from the build log of the Yaw servo mechanism.  It is an HXT500. Cheap and simple.


Jake Wells on December 21, 2012
The pig is awesome. I did your hack for the HK board the other day. Working on a camera gimbal stabilization thing. Thanks!
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rchacker on December 27, 2012
Good luck with it, if you get stuck the OpenAero project has some code that does that and would be fairly portable.
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rchacker on December 27, 2012
Oops sorry, that pig. He was awesome. We ate him for Christmas.
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rchacker on December 27, 2012
The pig was terrible, it flew like a pig. Looked good but.
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1aalbes1 on December 11, 2012
nice one ,
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Mini Balsa Tricopter