First FPV Flight, a success!

by tophe75 | January 2, 2013 | (6) Posted in Just Fun

First of all, thank you

Filtetest, for inspiring me to start flying (summer of 2012), I bought (of course) the Bixler and started to fly, learning all the basics and taking in more from the RC community.

Josh and Josh (and Chad) not only inspires, educates and motivates, but keeps me wanting more and to evolve.

David ( always showing me how to be bold, yet humble. You knowledge gets me ready for the things I want to try. Tack för att du delar med dej av din kunskap.

StoneBlueAirlines (Ibcrazy), for pointing out the obvious beginner errors you can do (so I did not have to).

To all of the Flitetest community, thank you and keep up the good work.

(I am still giggling like a little school girl) J

The day after the first flight, I FPV landed in some water and even thou I checked everything out the ECS still failed in mid air. Managed to land and find the plane.

Looking forward to many hours of FPV:ing...

Thanks again.


LanMark on January 2, 2013
Better than my first FPV flight where I crashed into a tree and got my quad stuck 100 feet up. I think ultimately it was pilot error as when things started to go south I switched to LOS and probably was disoreientated.

Always good to at least get your craft back. I searched for three hours until I found my battery in the grass in someone's yard and then started to look up in the sky.
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wacko911 on January 2, 2013
Ahh, I wish I was just starting out again, so exciting and lots of fun. Try getting a little of the bixlers nose in the frame as I think it helps with perspective and maybe a cheap kk board running open aero for some stabilization in the wind. Also make sure you aren't trying to pull to many amps through your ESC. A 2 amp bec isn't going to run 4 servos a rx and possibly your fpv gearvery long, failing that move the ESC outside the plane so it isn't cooking inside the fuse.
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tophe75 on January 3, 2013
The video is not from the FPV camera, but a cheep one mounted a bit higher then the FPV camera, where I do see the nose of the Bixler just fine.
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First FPV Flight, a success!