60" foamboard dlg v1

by baconflyer | May 8, 2013 | (11) Posted in Projects

Hello guys, just so you know I'm 15 and this is my first article, so please don't be mean if it's not much good. anyway,

Have you been thinking about getting into discus launch gliders, but don't want to spend $400 on a composite dlg or even the $80 for an alula? here's the solution: build one yourself! the techniques I used were fairly simple, and the wings are similar to the wings of the baby blender, but instead of making crease lines to allow the top sheet to fold over, the top sheet is skinned on the inside so that it can create a fluid curve.

the wings are 30" long each, with a 6" chord and a 1" control surface. fuselage is just made from a few pieces of foamboard glued together with a balsa hatch on top, hinged with tape and held down with a rubber band.The boom is about 24" long, and is made from a bit of scrap balsa. the tail is just simply cut from foam, and the pylon the horizontal stab sits on is the case from a 6-ch orangerx (could easily be done with a balsa rectangle if you don't have a 6ch orx.)

it uses 4 hxt900 servos (2 in the fuse that go back to the elevator and rudder, and 1 for each aileron. using a 750mah 3s lipo with a bec (would work fine with a much smaller battery, as it's pretty nose-heavy on this setup, but it's all I had laying around) for the battery and a frsky rx. it flies pretty well, launches are around 60 feet or so. If you guys want, I may be able to do a build video for version two (which will have a carbon boom and a more aerodynamic pod.)


AlexPewPew on May 10, 2013
Great looking glider! I've been looking for a foam core slope soarer and your design seems to fit the bill. I'd appreciate simple build video with some dimensions and COG.
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Ernest on May 11, 2013
Hi,I'm new to the hobby and never flown a plane in my life.I do scratchbuilds,but I only stop by the airframe and wing because electronics in South Africa are too expensive.To bye the whole gear I'll need about R2000(about $250)which is quite expensive to me.Any advice or help would be appreciated
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baconflyer on May 11, 2013
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Chuck Plains on May 28, 2013
Check out hobbykrow.co.za
If you've already built a plane that glides in a reasonable way, they will fly easily with power. How about utilising radio parts from some other RC toy? But, yes Hobbyking could also be your source. Lots of their cheap stuff is made in China, and for $250 you would be able to buy half a shop-full of Chinese RC parts! ;¬)
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5 oclock charlie on May 12, 2013
cool build man- would like to see some footage of course lol!
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jamiedco on May 10, 2013
would love to see a flight video . i just finished my 1.2m mimi dlg from balsa .

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billsbigf8 on May 10, 2013
wow that thin is cool,i want to make one, my son is 8 and he makes some pretty cool stuff that dosent look it will fly but guess what it does,he made a profile old fogey glider and it flys real well.keep up the the good work and dont let age get in your way.
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dammuozz on May 10, 2013
I'd really like to see the v2 and the plans to make a similar one!!! good work!!! :)
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jerimiah85 on May 10, 2013
The fact that your 15 makes no diff. Its awesome that you are building and flying rc at yor age. Please post a video of flight
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baconflyer on May 10, 2013
thanks. I'll try to get some video this weekend, gotta find a new microsd card for my keychain cam.
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Gordie on May 10, 2013
This looks like a great example of using what's at hand to enjoy some flying. I would like to see a build and flight video. Does it put a lot of stress on the wing you are launching with?
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baconflyer on May 12, 2013
update: found a way to strengthen the balsa boom easily enough that a carbon boom is unnecessary. simply straighten out a wire coathanger and glue it along the bottom of the boom. adds a ton of strength; my friend flew it today and had a few COMP;ETELY sideways landings. the boom flexed a whole lot during his "landings" but didn't break.
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Benskoning on May 18, 2013
Cant wait for the video.
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baconflyer on July 24, 2013
sorry, the video's not going to happen as it crashed catastrophically a couple months ago when the rx battery died in-flight. however, I'm currently working on version two which should be done in a week or two.
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RotateB4TheEnd on August 19, 2013
How did you get a curve without creases in the foamboard?
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Driveandairsmash on August 29, 2013
You guys dont need the esc and battery in there? If you have a battery slot in your receiver you can take some extensions and leave the red and black on but but the other one. or just figure out with side of the receiver is positive and negative and cut the extra wire. But take those wire plug it into the receiver and the receiver might have a minimum of like 6v so use a 9v battery and that will save you alot of weight c:
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wingnutzster on November 21, 2016
Great innovation to conceive of and execute this project - much respect.
If I could be slightly critical though (with some aeronautical design and manufacture experience) it would be of the 'dirtiness' of the design. Those snake rod guides are in direct airflow and will very negatively affect lift and cause massive drag on something that has to be as clean and lightweight as possible. I would recommend a simpler solution that doesn't disrupt airflow as much like something either concealed or a lot slimmer. How has it flown, are the materials holding up to the stresses of dlg launching and is it light enough to sustain unpowered flight for any significant amount of time?
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60" foamboard dlg v1