#13 FT Cruiser

by Auxiliarypower | May 2, 2013 | (9) Posted in Projects

Well RC buddies I have started my FT Cruiser project and I wanted to share some pictures of the project so far.  I plan to get her up in the air today or tomorrow I'm still not sure yet but I will get some video and share it with FT.


Battery: NANO-TECH 4.0

Servos 9G


Orange RX  and Orange 433

Turnigy D2826/10 1400KV

Prop 8X4

Number 13 only because thestevensband2 has 12 and I told him I would make mine 13.

I plan to FPV with her as soon as I get a feel for how she does in the air.

Thanks FT Team for helping us live the dream of flight!




Rickster on May 9, 2013
I would use a smaller prop with that 1400kv motor. FT is using 8x4 with a 1200kv motor. The suggested prop for the 1400 is 7x4. This motor draws more current then Ecalc says. It will pull 15A with a 7x5, where the 1200 only pulls 10A with an 8x4. Two 7x5 props should give you a 2 to 1 thrust to weight ratio.
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Auxiliarypower on May 9, 2013
Rickster thanks for the TIP I will change it out as I build 13.5 this weekend.
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RoyBro on May 7, 2013
Did you use the standard Dollar Tree foam or something that would take the paint better? If Dollar Tree foam, can you give us some painting tips?

Thanks. Very nice build.
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Auxiliarypower on May 8, 2013
Paint Tips: Use paint that will work on Foam and try not to lay it on thick. Don't worry about it looking good the first go around. Let it dry and then you can go back and put another coat on if needed.

As for the Foam I got this as a Kit from FT... I have made several others and I thought it was about time to pitch in to the FT crew.... Man talk about saving a ton of time I think it was worth the 40 bucks. IMO
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lonewolf on May 11, 2013
Nice build Like the color clean lines nice, very nice.
Your wife has good taste on color.
Time for a maiden video.
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tamd31a on May 8, 2013
looks good did you use water based paint?
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Auxiliarypower on May 8, 2013

I just picked up a few cans at my local hobby shack. Let the wife pick the colors LOL.
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DStevens3800 on May 3, 2013
Very nice Anthony! A super clean build. Very impressed. Looking forward to the maiden!

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johanjonker on May 4, 2013
The FT Cruiser is so far the best of the FT series planes you could own.. I hope yours fly as well as it looks..
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BoggieBuster on May 7, 2013
Very nice build !!!
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#13 FT Cruiser